Spaghetti Bridge Competition – November 15th 2015


This workshop is part of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival to be held in City Hall Exhibition Centre on November 15th 3pm.

Who among you can build the mightiest bridge? Who has the superior spaghetti engineering skills? For those of you brave enough, register to join the fun!
Form your own team or join one, become an architect and construct a bridge made out of spaghetti.
Bridges have to be able to cross a 50 cm distance, and hold as much weight as possible. You will be provided with one box of spaghetti, glue guns, and glue. You provide the nerd power.

誰能建出最堅固的橋? 誰有高超的意粉工程手藝? 不管你自組一隊,還是加入其他隊伍出一分力,只要你夠勇氣,歡迎登記參加。齊齊成為建築師,並建出媲美倫敦大橋的…….意粉大橋。

Special thanks to sponsor Il Moro for the spaghetti and offering a special dinner to the winning team, valued at 1000 HKD!

Free Admission. Limited seats available. Reservation required.

2 Replies to “Spaghetti Bridge Competition – November 15th 2015”

  1. Hi, I’ll like to find out how to enter the Spaghetti Bridge building competition and what the rules are? Is there a minimum age and how many in one team?

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