HackJam: Computing Networks Study Group

Networks Topology

We are starting a Study Group on networks to Learn / Share knowledge in a collaborative approach during next week HackJam. We will start with general knowledge around TCP/IP, UDP, STUN/TURN, or anything else you wish to talk about on the subject of this study group on networks. Other topics such as P2P zero install …

HackJam: unscheduled presentation on 3D positioning

Cédric Honnet - French hacker

Tonight, we had an unscheduled visit by a French hacker who has been working the past year on reverse engineering the HTC Vive system and made a miniature version of their tracker / sensor. That system enable to follow 3d position a person or an object in a 3d space in real time. He explained …

Presentation: A Hackers Introduction to OpenStreetMap


Date / Time: Tuesday, September 4, 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an open-source worldwide mapping platform, built by community volunteer geographers. Started 14 years ago, the project now covers the whole planet, often in incredible detail. Now with over 1 million active contributors, OpenStreetMap is used on thousands of sites and apps, including for hiking, …

Presentation: Foreshadow Vulnerability Explained

  Date / Time : Tuesday, August 21, 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM During this week’s Hackjam, we’ll have a brief overview and discussion about the recent “foreshadow” intel CPU vulnerability – what is it, how’s it being exploited and how can you protect yourself. Attendance is free, donations appreciated.

Audio/Visual Tech-y Show (eqko)


During our HackJam on the 13th of March 2018, we will have a presentation by a French artist: eqko You are welcome to join us for that mini event at 8pm at our place eqko is an audiovisual research duet that makes an attempt to bridge digital arts and shamanic rituals. Using free and custom …

Simple Home Automation Explained

Home Automation

— Updated on 2018.02.28 with pictures – see at the end of the post — You want to set-up some home automation at your place, come on Tuesday the 27th of February 2018 at Dim Sum Labs. See how you can perform individual human presence detection and have the house react to it, create lighting …

Let’s discussed the past event of the CCC in Germany


The Chaos Computer Club also know as CCC is the largest association of hackers in Europe. For over 30 years they provide information about technical and societal issues, such as surveillance, privacy, freedom of information, hacktivism, data security and many other interesting things around technology and hacking issues. Every year they organize an event in …

Spectre & Meltdown Explained


A serious weakness has been found on CPU and the way they manage information, allowing software to steal information processed by the computer. It does not matter whether you are running Linux, MacOS, windows and any other platform. Your CPU is the problem. Want to know more and how to prevent, secure yourself if possible? …