Cleaning up, make DSL nice(ish)

We are doing some cleaning up! As always, please consider becoming a member and support Hong Kong’s longest-running hackerspace since 2011.

Neil, in front of the old bench

Thanks to Felix, Gabriel, Neil, and Philip, we made DSL a little better for existing and new members. We figure we need to make the space nice and tidy to attract new members and make it a workable space for hacking. It’s amazing that we’ve stayed in the space for 13 years in a city where real estate transactions are as common as shopping in supermarkets. But that also means we’ve accumulated projects, materials, and dust for that long.

Felix found grade-A office furniture at a nearby office that’s getting rid of their stuff. We’ve got 4 metal cabinets, a nice long desk, and 10 office chairs, all in excellent condition. We got rid of the old furniture.

The new cabinets, some of the new chairs, and the pile of stuff behind Neil
The new desk

We are not done yet! There are still piles of old things we need to sort through. For that, we are closed this upcoming Hackjam on May 21, so we can spend some time and go through what we can throw away and make way for new projects.

That Dims Sum Labs have survived for so long is because of the support of its members and organizers, who really wish to keep a hackerspace going in Hong Kong. It’s been through a lot, not least of which is COVID-19. If it weren’t for some generous members, who propped it up during that time and until now, we wouldn’t have this space and a community of like-minded, friendly people who like to make, hack on things, and share them.

We still need support. The income from the number of paying members still doesn’t cover the rent and expenses. We can’t rely on individual members to cover the shortfall forever. Become a member, so you can enjoy the space, or come by and help out!

Stuff we need to sort through

Big thanks go to Nigel – author of the above article – for cutting through the grime and revealing the floor underneath.