Crash-course on MaxMSP

Dim Sum Labs - MaxMSP CrashCourse

Luca from Dim Sum Labs is bringing you a Crash-course on MaxMSP from the 16th to the 18th of August 2017. This course is over the 3 days. [ Powerful code ] > [ which looks like a Lego brick. ] >> [ Connect the bricks to each others, and build your application ] >>> …

Want to learn new things in Hong Kong?


We are a group of people with different background, knowledge and interest. We are willing to share all of it with you through different workshops. But with the limited time we all have, we decided to run a poll to see what are you main interests in the things we could teach you. Have a …

Good things to come in the next few weeks

Good things to come ...

In the coming weeks, the members at Dim Sum Labs will make some workshop on the following subjects. We will post the exact time of these events on our social media platform: HackJam HK Facebook group Dim Sum Labs Facebook page Twitter MeetUp For the workshop, not in a chronological order: Kernel Worshop Let’s have …

Hong Kong Maker Faire 2015

Hong Kong Maker Faire 2015

We were present during this first Hong Kong Maker Faire to introduce DimSumLabs to the general public and other makers / hackers in the area. We offered a Soldering Workshop to teach the basic of soldering to visitors.       Here some videos of what you might have seen at the Hong Kong Maker …

Microwave Festival: Soldering Workshop and Spaghetti Bridge Competition – 12th November – 17th November

Microwave Festival Dim Sum Labs was at this year’s Microwave Festival that opened on the 12th November – 17th November at Hong Kong’s City Hall, including exhibits by: MakerBay, Nicholas Hanna and many others. The ‘Wifi shredder’ exhibit was one of the main highlights at the festival featured by Dim Sum Labs – displaying electronic …

Spaghetti Bridge Competition – November 15th 2015

This workshop is part of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival to be held in City Hall Exhibition Centre on November 15th 3pm. Who among you can build the mightiest bridge? Who has the superior spaghetti engineering skills? For those of you brave enough, register to join the fun! Form your own team or join one, become an …

Soldering Workshop – November 15th 2015

This workshop is part of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival to be held in City Hall Exhibition Centre on November 15th 2pm. Mostly covered up by pretty cases, virtually all of today’s technology depends on some kind of electric circuitry. In our soldering workshop we decrease the distance between the participant and the circuit. You connect …